negatives reports
Ancient city of Chersonesos
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 - Citadel
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 - Near Karantinnaya bay
 - Undetermined necropolis
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Ancient city of Chersonesos
 - North area
 - South area
 - West area
 - North-East area
 - South-East area
 - Central area
 - Citadel
 - Harbour area
 - Undetermined area
 - Northern
 - Western
 - Near Karantinnaya bay
 - Undetermined necropolis
 - Heraclean peninsula
 - City Environs
 - Remote Environs
 - Exhibitions
 - Staff
 - Everyday life

Report of the Ural Team's excavations in Chersonesos in 1975
Year: 1975
Romanchuk A. I.

Report of the Ural State University Team's excavations in Chersonesos (Port area, south-east section) in 1975.

1975 excavations were the continuation of systematic works in the Port area, which the Joint Team started in 1963. The excavations were made by the students of the Historic Faculty of the Ural University under the supervision of the head of the Crimean Expedition candidate of history A. I. Romanchuk.

The section fo the south-east area under this year excavation became a bit smaller in comparison with previous years. first of all, the site of 1963 Church and a courtyard near it were not excavated, because the session of the Scholarly Council of the Museum decided that its should be restored and kept for displaying. Partial conservation works were made by a team of museum restorers under the supervision of the head of the ancient city site S. G. Ryzhov. 

Along with the study of this area stratigraphy and architectural remains from the Late Ancient and Roman periods, one of our team's practical goals, related to the preparation of the Port area walls to display, was making a passage along the walls to move ground out of the trenches from the previous years. This factor makes the excavations in the 'joining bank' area near curtain wall 17 of the fortifications more intensive. The north sector of the side street and area of Church Ye were not excavated in order to allow transportation of soil. Only cleans were made there.       

This way, the excavations enveloped a relatively small area: joining balk site, the site of the former room 135-137, the site of the side street (its southern side) and a room that annexed it (see 1974 report).The excavations stopped after ground waters stood out on the whole area. 


Text of the excavation report
List of illustrations
Appendix 1. List of coins from the excavations of the south-east section of the Port area (1975 excavations). Compiled the head of the museum storage of Chersonesos museum Kostromichyova T. I.
Appendix 2. List of hard proofs.

22 pages.

NPTC archive. File no. 1768/1.


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